Frequently Asked Questions

What is a permit expediter?

A permit expediter is a full time professional working at the permit counter on the daily basis. He is also known as facilitator that pushes projects and gets permits approved through municipalities more quickly and efficiently

Are there benefits to using a permit expediter?

Using a permit expediter, saves the architect, contractor, developer or owner money and effort. In most municipalities, the permitting process can be time-consuming, resulting in the contractor or their employees spending hours on the road and waiting at the permit counter. Hiring an expediter can be a cost-effective way to process a permit and free up staff to perform work related to thier skilled profession.

How much does it cost to hire a permit expeditor?

Each project is different and takes a different amount of time, so clients are only charged for how long it takes for their project. While we are helping our clients achieve their budgets and keep the costs as low as possible, our permit specialist can help you design a package that is right for you. For complex projects, please e-mail your scope of work for a quote.